UNCITRAL Colloquium on Navigating the New Era of Digital Finance
Cuando: Del 20 al 21 de febrero, 2025
The Colloquium will aim to (i) improve the understanding on how the emergence of new asset types impacts the Model Law on Secured Transactions and other UNCITRAL texts in this field; (ii) take stock of legislative developments by States in their domestic laws and international and regional organizations with regard to secured transactions including new types of assets; (iii) take stock of international financing practices using such assets; and (iv) assess whether developments related to new types of assets should be considered in the Model Law so to better assist States.
The Colloquium will consists of panel addressing topics such as (i) the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions and other UNCITRAL texts in this field, including the Supplement on Intellectual Property; (ii) implementation of secured transactions reforms by States and international organizations; (iii) digital economy digital assets (e.g. Art-NFTs, endogenous digital assets) and data as collateral; (iv) trade and supply chain finance with receivables and transport documents as collateral; (v) agricultural finance: crop and warehouse receipts as collateral; (vi) climate change finance: voluntary carbon credits as collateral/project financing; (vii) regulatory finance and coordination: central bank digital currency; and (viii) aspects related to the registry operation: methods, best practices, and technologies.
Those interested in the topic and who wish to join the event should monitor this web page that will be regularly updated: https://uncitral.un.org/en/colloquiumsecuredtransactions2025.
Please note that participation is in person and participants will be responsible for making the necessary travel arrangements including visas for entry to the United States.
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