Facultad de Derecho


Por: Daniel Peña Valenzuela

Recently, subversive groups in Colombia have used drones to attack the civilian population and the Colombian armed forces. The use of technology for war or better technology as a weapon is part of the history of human conflicts. The government's response has been to carry out public purchases of equally [...]

¡Celebración del éxito académico!

Por: Derecho de los Negocios

El pasado viernes 5 de julio tuvimos el honor de compartir el almuerzo de clausura de la Especialización en Derecho de los Negocios promoción 2023-2024. Nuestros estudiantes compartieron sus gratas experiencias y expresaron su satisfacción con los docentes del programa. Además, resaltaron el valor de pertenecer a la comunidad Externadista [...]

Artificial Intelligence and Consumer Law: An E-commerce perspective

Por: Daniel Peña Valenzuela

The Colombian economy is predominantly made up of small and medium-sized businesses as well as entrepreneurs. One of the pillars for an economy in transition to have more development and be sustainable as well as inclusive is that there is consumer trust and legal protection in case the consumer is [...]