Facultad de Derecho

Facultad de Derecho

Business Law
24 de mayo de 2022

Analysis of interest rates in the current global market and investment alternatives presented by our students Andrea Valentina Castaño, María José Oliveros, María Daniela Guzmán y Luis Alejandro Roa


In the Especialización en Derecho de los Negocios, students were assigned the task of explaining interest rates and investment alternatives in contexts like Colombia before and after the pandemic. Due to disturbance of consumption patterns it is necessary to investigate the possible impact on todays economy, and add to the speech the different types of investments ideas. Some of this can be: (i) Investment Crowfunding, (ii) Investment Funds, and many more.

After a selection process, the students who were chosen to present their videos are: Andrea Valentina Castaño , María José Oliveros, María Daniela Guzmán and Luis Alejandro Roa.

Andrea Valentina Castaño Moreno


María José Oliveros

María Daniela Guzmán 

Luis Alejandro Roa

Those who are interested in the Program or want to know more information about it, please access the following link.

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