Facultad de Derecho

Facultad de Derecho

Virtual Panel Series: UNCITRAL Texts and COVID-19 Response and Recovery- Day 1: Identification and Authentication in the Digital Economy.

Cuando: 08 de julio, 2020

Hora: 6:00 am - 8:00 am


COVID-19 has caused not only an enormous global health crisis, but massive social and economic ones as well. The severe economic fallout from the interventions required to mitigate the effects of the pandemic is unprecedented for States, and the COVID-19 crisis will continue to disrupt international trade and economic activity for the foreseeable future.

The Commission has requested the Secretariat to organize during its 53rd session a series of virtual panels that will consider these issues. Additional details and a link for registration appear below

Electronic identification and authentication are crucial to promote trust in online interaction. In that respect, UNCITRAL has worked to establish a legal framework enabling the widespread acceptance of electronic signatures. The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the need to manage risks associated with face-to-face interaction, thus further accelerating the transition to online trade. This session will illustrate how identity management and trust services may assist in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 and how UNCITRAL can assist in legally enabling those mitigating measures, in light also of UNCITRAL’s current work on the use and cross-border recognition of electronic identification systems and a broader range of trust services.



Image by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay

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