Facultad de Derecho

Facultad de Derecho

Virtual Panel Series: UNCITRAL Texts and COVID-19 Response and Recovery- Day 6: Gender, Trade and COVID-19

Cuando: 16 de julio, 2020

Hora: 6:00 am - 8:00 am


Emerging data is showing that women are bearing a disproportionate burden of the economic fallout from the COVID-19 crisis, mainly due to their greater economic activity in sectors – including informal sectors – that have been hardest hit by the crisis. Across every sphere, from health to the economy, security to social protection, the impacts of COVID-19 are exacerbated for women and girls simply by virtue of their sex. This session will explore how UNCITRAL tools can help promote pro-women and and gender-responsive policies in a post COVID-19 environment, particularly in support of the many micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) that are owned by women. UNCITRAL texts on mediation provide MSMEs with more informal, flexible, and efficient dispute resolution tools to deal with commercial disputes, while fast and easy business registration supports MSMEs to set up in the formal economy, also potentially facilitating access to govern- ment recovery assistance. The pandemic has also changed the way in which businesses interact with customers to reduce face-to-face contact; UNCITRAL texts on electronic commerce support the use of digital technology – including the e-commerce platforms that are so important to promoting economic activity of women-led MSMEs.

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Image by NickyPe from Pixabay

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