Facultad de Derecho

Comercio Electrónico

Abstract. Corte Suprema de Justicia, Sala de Casación Civil y Agraria, 26 de abril de 2022.

Por: Juan Alejandro Solano Maestre y David León Bonilla

Cuando en una normativa se haga mención a la expresión “mensaje de datos”, esta deberá interpretarse de acuerdo con Ley Modelo de Comercio Electrónico artículo 2 literal a y artículo 3 numeral 1 y 2y no en el sentido corriente de las palabras.

E-commerce and cryptocities

Por: Daniel Peña Valenzuela

Smart cities are urban areas that leverage technology and data to improve the quality of life for residents, enhance sustainability, and optimize resource management. These cities integrate various Internet of Things (IoT) devices, sensors, and data analytics to gather information and make data-driven decisions. While the concept of smart cities [...]

Artificial Intelligence and Business Law: A Roadmap

Por: Daniel Peña

Key Impacts of AI on Business:   Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact on various aspects of business operations and activities:   Automation and Efficiency: AI enables automation of repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing businesses to improve efficiency and reduce costs. AI-powered systems can handle data entry, customer [...]

Crypto-asset regulation in colombia: recent trends

Por: Daniel Peña Valenzuela

The regulation on crypto-assets is a relevant index to determine the digital business climate in a country. Like any emerging technology, its early adoption in a market and adequate regulation can be an important step in the digital transformation processes in companies, the government and support digital entrepreneurship. The efficiency [...]

Prueba y Metaverso

Por: Daniel Peña Valenzuela

Al Maestro Michele Taruffo (1943-2020), in memoriam     Introducción. Problemas jurídicos:   ¿El metaverso como ampliación funcional del ciberespacio representa un escenario para la prueba de hechos, actos y conductas que siendo relevantes para el derecho tiene una función jurídica equivalente desde la materia probatoria?   ¿La función de [...]